Organic, NU and You: A Guide
April 19, 2021

Browsing the NU Food shop, you may ask yourself: what exactly is "organic" popcorn? What does using organic ingredients over non-organic ones do? We've already discussed how plant-based is Queen when it comes to being better for you and the planet, but what does organic produce have to offer for us? You may be surprised as we answer these questions and more!
What is Organic Anyway?
Contrary to popular belief, there are a lengthy set of rules and regulations that govern what is and isn't organic. According to the USDA's National Organic Program (NOP), "organic producers use natural processes and materials when developing farming systems." Broadly speaking, this means that farms raising organic produce must develop practices that promote natural growth, or as close to natural as is permitted. Soil fertility, water quality, and even post-production handling all fall under the scope of the NOP. These areas of the agriculture industry are focused on so that the purity of the product remains as intact as possible.
There are tons of online resources on the USDA website that dive into the weeds of each aspect of organic farming. If you're looking for a deeper understanding of the ins-and-outs of organic agriculture, then check it out here.

Why Eat Organic?
Good news: if you're interested in making the switch to plant-based alternatives to enrich yourself and the environment, then you're on the right track! Going organic is just that extra step in the same direction. Not only are the fruits and veggies produced using organic processes better for you than conventional ones, they also substantially reduce harmful effects on the planet as well. For example, crop rotation is implemented to ensure nutrients in the soil aren't overused and synthetic fertilizers are swapped out for naturally-occurring fertilizers. In the case that pests threaten crop integrity, producers will use plant-derived pesticides that won't pollute surrounding ecosystems. Not only that, but the chemicals used in conventional processes won't pollute you either!
That same thought goes into our snacks here at NU Food. We use organic ingredients wherever possible because we know that a healthier body and a healthier world is the reason eating vegan is so great. Best of all, there’s no compromise when it comes to flavor— it’s a real win-win!
Isn't it More Expensive Though?
One of the most widely spread myths about organic produce is that it costs more, and that can be discouraging for many trying to use organic ingredients in their food. However, it's just simply not the case. While it is true that most major retailers upcharge on their organic products, market data shows that many are actually cheaper than their conventional alternatives! The USDA's AMS Weekly Organic Price Comparison Report routinely shows that pricing for several organic items, such as honeycrisp apples, yellow potatoes, and navel oranges average less than ones that aren't labeled organic. The cost varies from case to case, but you never know: your favorite food item just might cost you less when it's organically grown!
Putting organic produce in your shopping cart has a plethora of benefits, those mentioned above being just the start. It's easy to make the step from conventional to organic— in fact, you can do it right here! Try any one of NU Food's popcorn varieties to experience not only the guilt-free flavor sensation, but also the satisfaction of eating something organically grown with natural ingredients.